That's where we're at these days. Even the ones who have no idea of what it's all about are taking a knee while this country's national anthem is being played.
The 8-year old kids from Cahokia Illinois surely don't truly understand what kneeling during the anthem means, unless they were spoon fed an opinion, and they just went with it.
Of course, in the video that can be seen by clicking this link, there are what appear to be three coaches on the field with roughly 20 player,s all on one knee. Everyone of them is black. Now we're not supposed to draw any conclusions by the color of their skin, but I have a hard time believing that a team that was half white would get the "Ok" from a coach who wanted to follow thru with what he says was a request from one or more of his players.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and to what extent they want to voice it, but filling the heads of 8-year olds with political views that they are too young to understand on their own, and then have them take them to a protest level is just way too far out of bounds for me.
But, that's what we see on television everyday, now. It's what the media runs to. It's what so many liberals praise. I can imagine that it's only going to get worse, before someday fading away. Hopefully.